Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Washed by the Water

Amazing how the words of a song can mean so much. I love this song by NeedtoBreathe...I love the truth in these lyrics....especially the chorus.

Even when the rain falls
Even when the flood starts rising
Even when the storm comes
I am washed by the water


Even if the Earth crumbles under my feet
Even if the ones I love turn around and crucify me
I won’t never ever let you down
I won’t fall
I won’t fall
I won’t fall as long as you’re around me

Friday, December 5, 2008

Disco Balls & Dry Ice & Daddy

The state of our family this last week has been one with lots of snot, coughing, and general YUCK-i-ness. But last night, had you been a fly on the wall in our living room, you'd have never known.

I spent the first half of the evening in bed (sick of course) and managed to drag myself out while my fabulous hubby was giving the girls a bath. Earlier that evening we had gotten a package from my Uncle. He periodically sends us these wonderful packages via the Omaha Steak company containing Filet Mignon, lobster tails, and all kinds of goodies. To keep the meats cold and fresh en route the containers have dry ice in them......(this is pertinent...you'll see why in a bit.)

So one of our kiddo's favorite things to do before bed is turn on our disco-ball (yes...I did say disco-ball), crank the music up, and DANCE! They LOVE this. I remember when hubby bought the disco-ball years ago and I thought to myself...is this one of those purchases that will never get used....Nope!

So last night they got to dance and it was an even more special treat because my crafty hubby decided to use the dry ice to make smoke! I wish now that I had taken some pictures. We always turn all of the lights off, the disco-ball was going, music cranked up...and dry ice bubbling from a pan on a cooler in the corner of the living room. The kids thought this was the coolest thing ever!

When little man and I were saying prayers...he was so cute, twice he said, "and thank you that we had such a fun evening.".......

My hubby is such a fun father. It's one of things I love most about him. :)

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

"Where are my nuts?" and a Prayer Request

I think I tend to ramble a bit so I'll try to keep this quick and concise. Bear with me all the way through because it's all good. :)

Prayer Request
God has blessed me beyond my wildest expectations by giving me the chance to work for my church. I love my job and I love the men that God has leading our church. These 6 guys consistently go way above and beyond as they serve the Lord. Their hearts for people and genuine love for people are moving and contagious.

Please pray for God's hand of protection over each of them as they're on their way to Atlanta this morning. Pray for their safety as they travel and for protection from all of the ways we know the Enemy will try to make this trip ineffective. Pray for their wives and families as they go through the week without their husbands and fathers.

Now, on to, "Where are my nuts?"
Saturday afternoon we took the kids to this really cool park that we've gone to a few times in the past. We went and had a picnic and then spent the rest of the afternoon walking around the little pond there, playing hide and seek in the pretend town (it's so cool), and swingin' and slidin' on the play equipment. As we walked around the pond towards the swings the kids began to pick up little nuts off the ground. Sorry, don't know what kind they were, only that the squirrels were lovin' these nuts. The kids thought they were so cool! They were each carrying around 2 or 3 in each hand. But hubby and I got a kick out of some of the things Little Man was saying with regard to his "nuts". Here are 2 examples:

Hubby had taken Little Man to use the toilet. As Little Man prepared to head into the stall he had to stop and ask Daddy, "Daddy, will you hold my nuts?"

Hubby had to pause for a sec....as that just didn't sound quite right. Nonetheless, we got a kick out of it....Little Man didn't quite know what was so funny!

Yesterday on the way home from picking up the kids.....out of the blue Little Man says, "Mommy, I wish I knew where my nuts went. Do you know where my nuts are?"

I just chuckled. Gotta love them kiddo's.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Fun with Daddy

So, I was in the kitchen fixing dinner while listening to the joyous sounds of laughter and giggling coming from my kiddo's playing in the back yard. Daddy had gone out a few minutes earlier and gotten on the trampoline....after which..they all piled in and the craziness ensued.

It's these moments, the ones where everything seems right with the world. A beautiful day, a cool breeze, cookies baking in the oven (yummy ones too), dinner cooking on the stove, and the sounds of kids laughing as they play with their daddy. I LOVE IT!

As I stood there languishing in my moment I heard a noise, more like 4 voices, in unison shouting, "MomMY! ....MomMY!......MomMY!"

I knew Daddy wanted me to come take some pics.....so I did.

Monday, September 29, 2008

1 out of 4

So, about a year and a half ago God led me to this really cool gal....with a really cool non-profit organization that you can check out here.

Through Gateway of Hope I got to know its founder and am now blessed to be a part of the Christian Care Coalition. Simply put, God has given me an awesome chance to serve Him in exactly the way I feel called to serve and I am excited! But.......the statistics are staggering and the faces and stories behind "1 out of 4" are heart-breaking, I know from personal experience.

  • Conservative statistics reveal that one in four girls will be sexually abused before age 18.
  • Related statistics reveal that 95% of teenage prostitutes have been sexually abused.
  • Similar statistics reveal that one in four teen age girls and adult women will be physically abused by their boyfriend, partner, or spouse.
  • One in six American women has been the victim of an attempted or completed rape.
As I sit in church on Sunday, stand in line at the grocery store, drive down the streets of my neighborhood, and watch my girls play...I find myself thinking about those "1 in 4".

1 out of 4 means that when my precious girls are having a playdate with their 2 girlfriends, 2 of them will, at some point in their lives be traumitized and violated (statistically thinking).

1 out of 4 means that at church on Sunday.......depending on the number of people there, one can assume that at least a quarter of the women/men there are being, or have been abused at some point in their lives.

1 out of 4 means that when I'm hanging out with a few of my dear girlfriends.....and there are 4 or more gathered, at least one of us has suffered some form of abuse during our lives.

It seems so daunting....so discouraging. After praying that the Lord help me to see the people of this world with His eyes and to love them as He loves them....
...as He so often does....
...He answered my prayer.

My heart hurts. As each day passes......I find myself stumbling to find the answer to the question He keeps asking me, "How are you going to serve me? What are you going to do for those that are suffering so that they can KNOW and BELIEVE that there is HOPE in me? This is why I have left you here."

In the time it's taken me to write this post:
An estimated 60 children have been sold into sex slavery.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Cute Comments from my Kiddo's

Little Man really likes Batman

So Little Man and I were enjoying a nice ride in the good ole mini-van last week...on our way to pick up the girls. I'd just picked him up from school and we were talking about his day.

Somewhat abruptly he softly (but excitedly) asked, "Mommy....is that Batman in front of us?"

In front of us was a man (I'm assuming), on a black motorcycle, with a black motorcycle helmet, black shoes, and a black leather jacket. I quickly controlled my urge to giggle at the adorable innocence of my Little Man's desire for that to REALLY be Batman.

"No buddy, that's not Batman", I told him.

"But.... he's on a black motorcycle with a black helmet..and a black"....[and you get the picture].

How cute. It's so easy to forget those days when we all (or at least some of us) believed in Super Heroes and Santa Claus.

"Crapping" or "Flapping"??

My hubby has been putting birdseed on our back patio and our kiddo's love sitting at the back door and watching the "birdies" and a squirrel every now and then....eat up the seeds. Tella and Sissy REALLY like the "birdies". So one night at dinner my dear hubby commented that there were some birdies eating the birdseed and Tella got very excited.
She was waving her hands as she exclaimed, "Mommy, the birdies are crapping!!"
.....ummmmm, what was that?
I looked at hubby as he suppressed a smile and we both listened closer as she exclaimed again...
"The birdies are crapping!!"
So hubby and I are now laughing, Sissy and Little Man are looking at us like we're from outer space and Tella is repeatedly announcing to us all that the birdies are crapping!
Still not sure if she meant, "the birdies are clapping"????

Thursday, September 18, 2008


Life has been moving a bit too fast these past few weeks. Thus, no posting on my part.

If God has taught me anything in 2008 it's that trials really are a blessing. The past year has been difficult. I'm quite aware that, in comparison to some, it's not been so bad. But the difficult is what I need...apparently. You see.....I'm a bit stubborn.

But the point is that has God shown me, over and over this year, that He is always faithful to His promises. And regardless of how hopeless things may seem, He always has a plan and it is always far beyond what I could ever ask for or imagine.

That being said, I'm sorry to say that after hitting the high of seeing God's mighty hand clearly moving in my life, I slowly drifted into complacency. Unaware for months, I began lowering the expectations I have of myself. Expectations of the kind of mother, wife, and friend I desire to be, and more importantly, that God desires me to be.

As the days have passed.......my level of complacency grew.

God used last Sunday to show me how far I've drifted from who I want to be and who He wants me to be. He showed me some truths that I really didn't want to accept.

It's so easy for me to slip into behaviors and attitudes that are destructive...oftentimes without even knowing it. And over time...these behaviors and attitudes become such commonplace that I'm not even aware of them.

I don't think I could ever be thankful enough or praise God enough for dying on the cross for ME so that I could KNOW that I am forgiven and KNOW that there is always hope in the Lord. Without that......there are times I really don't know how I could function.

So......I handed my complacency over to God........and started the trek back onto His path.

The Lord has answered LOTS of prayer this week.

Thank you Father.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

"Respect My Authority!!!!"

So anyone even semi familiar with South Park can now, clearly and crisply, hear Cartmans voice screaming in their head, "Respect my authority!!"

Not such a good parenting tool. Doesn't teach much....other then that yelling is highly ineffective. Doesn't inspire respect and certainly doesn't make the "yeller" feel better.

I'm often telling my kiddo's, when I know they're tired, that they still have to make good choices. That being tired is no excuse for poor behavior.

Well...you guessed it. I'm tired! I miss my hubby terribly and I stayed up waaaaay too late last night... bad choice on my part. So tonight I found myself utilizing a bit of Cartman's technique with my kiddo's.

The opposite!

Little Man has been having some struggles at school lately and has been praying for God to help him make better choices. Tonight he prayed for God to help mommy make better choices. Thanks Little Man.....I needed that.

Now I think I'll do some praying of my own. Then I think I'll get a step ahead on good choices for tomorrow by going to bed!!!

PS - 60-60 sort of slipped away over the weekend. I'll begin again tomorrow, seeking to connect with God every hour with my heart and ears open to His voice.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Grandpa's and bunk beds?

Got a call from my Dad today to say he'd be in town in a few days. I'm excited......because I have a love for my dad that's steadily been growing which I can't say had been there before. God has done some miraculous things in my heart. I give Him all of the credit.

I love my dad. It's funny how growing up tends to change the way you view the past. I told dad that I had been thinking about calling him for the last couple of days. His response, likely unrealized by him...meant the world to me. He said, "I think about calling you too.......pretty much every day." Those are the types of comments, so often said in passing, that really make a girl feel special.

Some day I'll share my testimony. It's probably hard to understand why that little comment meant so much to me without knowing a bit about our past.

Anyway....I knew the kiddo's would be excited about a visit with Grandpa so I shared the news of his visit as soon as I picked them up. Yes...they're very excited!

So tonight while I was putting Little Man to bed he shares with me how he wishes daddy wasn't working at night anymore so that he could sleep ALL night (emphasis on all) in bed with Little Man.

To which I responded, "but I want daddy to sleep in bed with me!"

Little Man replied, "Hey, how about you and daddy sleep on the top bunk....since I DO have bunk beds, and I'll sleep down here." He was quite impressed with himself at this point.

It was cute....and might be fun.....so I told him we'd see.

This was when he got very excited and exclaimed, "Hey...I know! How about Grandpa and I have a sleepover and he can sleep on the top bunk!"

I had to laugh at the image of my dad sleeping on the top bunk......but that would be so cool for Little Man. I suggested that he talk to Grandpa about that in a few days when we're all together. His response was a resounding, "Yes! I think I'll do that!"

Sunday, August 24, 2008


God has blessed me with an amazing church family. Today Pastor Tim preached on Bitterness. I was really looking forward to the service today because of the testimony of Bill Vail. I had heard a bit of his story and was excited for the opportunity to hear more of where he has been and what God has done in his life.

Unlike some of the previous messages in this series The Enemy Within (which has been awesome) I didn't walk in looking for answers. Bitterness, I thought, wasn't something I was struggling with. However, as Tim spoke, God showed me that bitterness has played a huge role in my life. He also showed me the one person I am most bitter towards. To say I was surprised would be an understatement. During the service I wrote down 4 names. 3 of them are people that I've always known I've got baggage with.....but believed I had resolved and forgiven. It was the first name on the list...that again....was a shocker.

I took some time after the service to journal what my real feelings are towards this person. I didn't hold anything back. All of the anger and pain and hatred that I felt quickly came up to the surface. I felt myself wishing that person was there so I could scream at them and hurt them the way they hurt me. Hate is such a strong word...and one that it scares me to think I actually feel/felt towards this critical person in my life. But I had to be honest with myself and with God.

I ended up with 2 pages of all of the things that had happened to create the bitterness in my heart. Before today I had always struggled with my feelings towards this person. Logically, I should love them but in my heart I could not make that connection. I had never taken the time to seriously consider why....until today.

When I opened the door to my anger all of the memories (or lack thereof) came back in a rush and I could hardly keep my pen up with my thoughts.

For a long long time I've prayed for God to release me from my anger....and then gotten angry at Him for not doing it! I've wandered what I'm doing wrong, doubted my salvation (after all, how could a true child of God act the way I acted?) But that is lie that the Enemy wants us to believe.

I think that God showed me today that much of my anger is a result of bitterness that took root in my heart when I was a child.

Even though I know that forgiving this person is taking my control back and obeying God....it was very difficult to let go of my bitterness. Why is that? Why would I rather harbor this anger towards this person...rather then live my life free?

I had an emotional conversation with God about it......and know that I am free.

But it's still hard.

Why is it that some of the most important, critical people in our lives are the ones that hurt us the most?

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Hubby, Handsome Boy & 60-60 Day 2

Kudos to my hubby. He has been working his tail off at work for the last couple of months. Working a ton of hours in an un-air conditioned building at KU, 12 hour days.

When I found out he was going to be working nights I was a bit dismayed and wandered, "why God?"

But, the blessings that have come from him working on this job are countless and continue to pile up. His hard work and dedication have paid off and I am so proud of him!


On to my little man...who officially turned 6 years old yesterday. So hard to believe. The boy is obsessed with Batman, which I find odd since he's never seen a Batman movie, cartoon, or anything Batman related to my knowledge. When he got up in the morning he proceeded to instruct each of his sisters to tell him happy birthday. Where does the time go?


Day 2 of 60-60

Still only had hourly alarm reminders up until 1pm. I need to figure out a good way to get my hourly reminders through out the entire day.

Today was different in that I did stop every time and prayed for direction from God. At times it does seem a bit robotic. I don't think it will be effective if it turns into me just doing it to say that I did it, so I'm trying/praying for real connection and re centering in God's will.

Those brief moments usually start off a bit mechanical, but always end up with me having made a connection with Him.

Something I read recently in the book "Soul Revolution" really spoke to me...and I'm curious as to what anyone who might actually read my blog.... :)......thinks about it...so here it is.

"God's 1st concern is not our behavior, but our hearts....Our behavior simply indicates how willing we are to love and trust and follow God. Relationship is what God desires; faithfulness is what pleases Him most."

60-60 Experiment - Day 1

I'm trying out this experiment, the "60-60 Experiment". Reconnecting with God every 60 minutes. Seeking His will for my life every 60 minutes. Or...just taking a moment to talk to Him about whatever!.....every 60 minutes.

Yesterday was day 1......not sure I can even call it Day 1. It was a very lackadaisical attempt on my part. I set the alarm on my cell phone to go off every hour. Unfortunately my phone would only allow me to set so many alarms...and so I had them going up until 1pm.

Last night I was really shocked at what the reality of my relationship with the Lord has been....... based on the results from Day 1.

I did manage to stop and pray almost every time the alarm went off. Honestly though.....several of those times I didn't feel connected to God when I did it.....but I did it anyway.

There were a few times that I simply disabled the alarm and went on with my day. But not without a soft tap tap tap on my shoulder from the Holy Spirit reminding me that I had just chosen my day, my priorities, my coffee, my conversations, my whatever over taking a minute to ask God what He wanted from/for me in that moment...in those next 60 minutes.

I also discovered just how quickly I lost sight of God. In an instant my world revolves around me....not Jesus and His will. I remember thinking, pretty much every time the alarms went off, "man...it's already been an hour?!" It surprised me how fast that time would go by and how, within seconds, I would take my eyes off Jesus and put them square on something else.

And that was only with alarms going up until 1pm.

So....today is Day 2, we'll see what happens.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Yes - "All things DO work for good"....

Lesson learned. Hopefully I'll not travel down the same road again. Unfortunately, I'm human so that's probably unlikely!

Needless to say, as always, God had a plan, I didn't really like it enough, therefore, I spent/wasted countless hours trying to figure out a way to make my own plan work. Of course, this lead to anxiety, lack of sleep, and the consumption of LOTS of Double Stuff Oreos.

When it came down to it, I really had no choice but to go with God's plan.....I wasn't able to make my own ideas come to fruition, imagine that!

So today was the first day of trusting in God's plan for my kiddo's and their childcare. If I'm being honest......it was more of me kicking and screaming all the way to the gate. However, and not surprisingly, God's plan is far better than what I could have ever come up with on my own and everything has worked out perfectly. All I can say is thank you Lord, You ROCK!

So the kiddo's and I had fun being goofy tonight. I got a few good pics of Little Man's own version of a Mohawk and Sissy's silly face.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Denial meets Reality

If I had a camera (ours broke a few months ago) the very first thing I'd be posting today would be a pic of my little man, decked out in BATMAN from head to toe...ready for his first day of Kindergarten.

I could not be more proud of him. The morning didn't quite go the way I had planned....(of ALL mornings) and we arrived at school right as the bell rang. I was feeling a lot like a failure of a mother for helping little man show up late on his first day!

Nevertheless, he kept his cool and that gorgeous smile of his. When we got to his class he sort of stepped back. Not physically, but I could tell by his demeanor that he withdrew a bit. There were lots of other parents still there so I had some time to get him settled. We looked around and found some of his friends from his pre-school class last year which really brought a smile to his face. When I left he was doing the craft! Not to be derogatory...but most that know my little man would likely be as surprised as I was to see him so focused and quiet doing a craft.

Man.......did I say I'm proud of him. That little guy inspires me.

My morning was so packed after that with getting my girls and going to meet a possible new babysitter...that I really didn't have time to "go there"...if you know what I mean.

It wasn't until I was on my way to church....that everything....and I mean EVERYTHING hit me and I pretty much became a sobbing, emotional basket case. Yes, the "ugly cry" was in full effect! Praise God for sunglasses!

Denial is a beautiful thing. oops....NOT really. For many weeks now I've been in denial about the inevitable changes about to effect our family. You know that thing some of us do.....if I don't think about it, maybe it will just go away? That saying...which is ridiculous and just makes things worse in the end? Yeah...that's the one I've been using to manage the changes in my life recently. Not such a good thing.

Needless to say....reality hit today...and Monday...reality will hit full force.

Thank you so much Lord for your promises.

Romans 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

My "handsome boy"......

Tomorrow is your first day of kindergarten and you couldn't be more excited. Sleep didn't come easy for you tonight, and after a brief round of frustration on my part, I remembered back to those days.....

You are such a wonderful little boy with a huge heart to go with that beautiful smile. I find myself looking at you these days and wandering when my adorable little boy turned into such a handsome, funny, caring, and helpful little man.
To see the smile on your face tonight as we prayed about your day tomorrow...your excitement growing......it's such a blessing.

I pray that as you go out into this world, you always believe in how special you are....just the way God made you.

Or...as you put it, "Mommy, I'm going to do a good job tomorrow because I'm smart and funny and a good friend!"

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Mint anyone?

The phrase, "Finders keepers....losers weepers," hit home hard for me today when my mint, still in its wrapper, was taken from me and eaten by someone else. Right in front of me no less!

.......the whole scenario was actually hilarious. Certainly doesn't seem so now that it's in writing......but that's ok. :)

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

...these are a few of my LEAST favorite things...

(sing to The Sound of Music - My Favorite Things)
A shot in my gums to numb my condition...
A whir here, a stench there, my teeth in "remission".

Two root canals now throbbing with pain
These are a few of my least favorite things!

When I left the Endodontist yesterday after having 2 root canals finished.....they cautioned me to expect some, "tenderness" in my two "root canal" teeth. They suggested I fill my prescription for pain meds to beat this "tenderness" to the punch.

Well.....can I just say....."tenderness" in NO way describes the pain that I was feeling even before arriving to pick up my kiddo's not 30 minutes after leaving the dentist. Why is it that some of the smallest parts of our bodies can cause some of the worst, most annoying pain? Tooth aches stink! I finally called the dentist this afternoon after a morning of agony....and was informed that it is normal to be unable to eat solid food for "up to a week" and for pain medication to be ineffective. Good to know.

One thing I've learned is that I would really like to avoid needing one of these again in the future!

As a result...of this, that, and the other...I wasn't the most stable minded person this afternoon.....but God is so good. I had a chance to talk to my hubby who quickly sensed things weren't ok and lovingly reassured and encouraged me. What a blessing...and just what I needed.

And I know...I'll take toothaches any day over........this...harsh, but real and on my heart.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Walking the Line

Yes, I like a good Johnny Cash song every now and then.....but, no....this post is not a reference to that one song of his.

Am I the only one that struggles with knowing where my efforts stop and God's begin? How do I know when to stop trying to figure things out and just let God work His plan?

I don't think it's a good idea for me to just hang out and wait for things to magically come together without any effort on my part. But I think sometimes I really don't know when to stop...and let me just say....that "not knowing when to stop" thing has gotten me into some trouble a time or two.....or three...or more.

So, things are coming down to the wire and time is running out. I have had months to pray for God's will and direction as well as do my own researching and info gathering. The problem is...I still don't have peace and am still wracking my brain trying to figure things out!

Is a lack of peace a sure sign that I am out of God's will? Or is it a sure sign that I'm just really stubborn?

It's kinda like driving down the Interstate. As long as I'm on the right side of the median...I can cruise a long and enjoy the ride, assuming I can effectively manage the steering wheel and deal with other drivers. But, when I start breaking the speed limit or lose sight of the road ahead of me.....it's crash and burn time!

Thinking out loud.


Friday, August 8, 2008


I look at my husband these days....the hunk that he is (sorry....can't keep that to myself)....and I simply cannot believe we're about to celebrate our 7th year of marriage.

I look at my life and where God has taken me, the trials, the victories, the miracles, and the blessings and I am in awe.

It took some time, about 19 years to be exact, for God to get me to a point in which I really believe in His power to work miracles in every area of my life. I praise God that He is long-suffering and merciful.

Would I be alive today without the grace and mercy of the Lord in my life? I don't think so.

The only reason I am here is because God saved me. He saved me by sacrificing His son and He saved me by never giving up on me and always keeping the promises in His word. Psalm 138: 7 & 9

My fervent prayer is that I might be used by Him to give others hope in the infinite power and might of the Lord to perform miracles in their own lives beyond what we could ever imagine.

Ephesians 3:20 Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us.

While the darkness is ever present, I know that the Lord is omnipotent and mighty.

While my choices are often the wrong ones, I know that the Lord is forgiving, patient, and merciful.

While my past is filled with despair,
- and darkness,
I know,
because of it all,
that there is nothing He can't do.

While guilt often plagues me,
While anger often consumes me,
While doubt sometimes controls me,
While my pride often distracts me,
While humulity is too often illusive to me,
While my mistakes sometimes haunt me,
While the "what if's" and "should haves" often berate me,
While fear often paralyzes me,

I know that our God
Knows -me-
Our God
Has forgiven me
Our God is calling me
He is calling me
He is calling us...
To step out
To step up
To rest in all He has done
To be a light in the darkness
so that others may see and know

He is the only hope
He is the only "sure thing"
He is the only answer

Now it's time to move.

"Bring it on!"

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Surfboards & Walmart.......huh???

So, my little man and I were grocery shopping at Walmart a few weeks ago....just the 2 of us. It was a BLAST! But I have to say........my favorite part was when he pointed out to me that Walmart sells surfboards!!

As we were walking down one of the center aisles I hear, "LOOOK Mommy!! They sell surfboards!" All I'm thinking at the point is, "huh???......they do?"

So I asked little man to show me.......which he does. Man, ironing boards sure do look like surfboards don't they?! At least to an "almost 6" year old.

I didn't have the heart to break it to him that those weren't surfboards.....so instead I took a pic of the so-called surfboards with my cellphone for him to show Daddy....which he got even more excited about. It wasn't until shortly thereafter when he discovered "surfboards with polka dots", as he put it...that I had to spoil the fun and explain that those weren't really surfboards after all. As I discussed the situation I happened to glance up just in time to see an older gentleman looking our direction chuckling.......I think he must have over heard.

Oh to be a child again. Hard to believe my little man starts Kindergarten in 6 days!!!!

This is a pic of him showing us his "twin eye"...as he put it. Another hilarious little man moment. We have no idea where the whole "twin eye" thing came from but it sure was funny.