Thursday, September 18, 2008


Life has been moving a bit too fast these past few weeks. Thus, no posting on my part.

If God has taught me anything in 2008 it's that trials really are a blessing. The past year has been difficult. I'm quite aware that, in comparison to some, it's not been so bad. But the difficult is what I need...apparently. You see.....I'm a bit stubborn.

But the point is that has God shown me, over and over this year, that He is always faithful to His promises. And regardless of how hopeless things may seem, He always has a plan and it is always far beyond what I could ever ask for or imagine.

That being said, I'm sorry to say that after hitting the high of seeing God's mighty hand clearly moving in my life, I slowly drifted into complacency. Unaware for months, I began lowering the expectations I have of myself. Expectations of the kind of mother, wife, and friend I desire to be, and more importantly, that God desires me to be.

As the days have level of complacency grew.

God used last Sunday to show me how far I've drifted from who I want to be and who He wants me to be. He showed me some truths that I really didn't want to accept.

It's so easy for me to slip into behaviors and attitudes that are destructive...oftentimes without even knowing it. And over time...these behaviors and attitudes become such commonplace that I'm not even aware of them.

I don't think I could ever be thankful enough or praise God enough for dying on the cross for ME so that I could KNOW that I am forgiven and KNOW that there is always hope in the Lord. Without that......there are times I really don't know how I could function.

So......I handed my complacency over to God........and started the trek back onto His path.

The Lord has answered LOTS of prayer this week.

Thank you Father.

1 comment:

Daneen said...

we need to get together, my friend. we've been living parallel lives in a lot of ways in 2008. i miss you!