Wednesday, August 27, 2008

"Respect My Authority!!!!"

So anyone even semi familiar with South Park can now, clearly and crisply, hear Cartmans voice screaming in their head, "Respect my authority!!"

Not such a good parenting tool. Doesn't teach much....other then that yelling is highly ineffective. Doesn't inspire respect and certainly doesn't make the "yeller" feel better.

I'm often telling my kiddo's, when I know they're tired, that they still have to make good choices. That being tired is no excuse for poor behavior. guessed it. I'm tired! I miss my hubby terribly and I stayed up waaaaay too late last night... bad choice on my part. So tonight I found myself utilizing a bit of Cartman's technique with my kiddo's.

The opposite!

Little Man has been having some struggles at school lately and has been praying for God to help him make better choices. Tonight he prayed for God to help mommy make better choices. Thanks Little Man.....I needed that.

Now I think I'll do some praying of my own. Then I think I'll get a step ahead on good choices for tomorrow by going to bed!!!

PS - 60-60 sort of slipped away over the weekend. I'll begin again tomorrow, seeking to connect with God every hour with my heart and ears open to His voice.

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