Tuesday, August 12, 2008

...these are a few of my LEAST favorite things...

(sing to The Sound of Music - My Favorite Things)
A shot in my gums to numb my condition...
A whir here, a stench there, my teeth in "remission".

Two root canals now throbbing with pain
These are a few of my least favorite things!

When I left the Endodontist yesterday after having 2 root canals finished.....they cautioned me to expect some, "tenderness" in my two "root canal" teeth. They suggested I fill my prescription for pain meds to beat this "tenderness" to the punch.

Well.....can I just say....."tenderness" in NO way describes the pain that I was feeling even before arriving to pick up my kiddo's not 30 minutes after leaving the dentist. Why is it that some of the smallest parts of our bodies can cause some of the worst, most annoying pain? Tooth aches stink! I finally called the dentist this afternoon after a morning of agony....and was informed that it is normal to be unable to eat solid food for "up to a week" and for pain medication to be ineffective. Good to know.

One thing I've learned is that I would really like to avoid needing one of these again in the future!

As a result...of this, that, and the other...I wasn't the most stable minded person this afternoon.....but God is so good. I had a chance to talk to my hubby who quickly sensed things weren't ok and lovingly reassured and encouraged me. What a blessing...and just what I needed.

And I know...I'll take toothaches any day over........this...harsh, but real and on my heart.


Marie said...

I am so sorry girl! I can not imagine going through daily activities while dealing with that pain.

Know that I will pray for you today...right now and claim God's victory over this pain.

Peace Out

Rebekah said...

That sounds so painful. I've had one root canal and it was bad - I can't imagine 2. Yuk!

I'm glad you commented on my blog because I didn't know about this one...now I can throw it in my reader.

See ya!